
NPQ funding

There will continue to be some DfE scholarship funding for NPQ programmes this autumn 2024. This will not be universal for every programme, and schools in disadvantaged areas will be prioritised for funded places.

DfE scholarship funding will be available for all NPQ programmes for October 2024 starts for the most challenging schools or educational settings. Knowing that high quality teaching can make the greatest impact on pupil outcomes, the DfE is targeting schools in deprived communities, indicated by their Free School Meals (FSM) allocation.

The so-called 'FSM50 list' will be updated in the summer, and this will be the final list that determines eligibility for funding, so you may not have certainty until later in the application process.

The DfE will be allocating 10,000 funded places nationwide, so please apply for your place as soon as possible.

For more information on funding and eligibility please view the DfE website .


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