
BBC news director inspires NIA students

BBC news director inspires NIA students

Students at Northampton International Academy were visited by the director of some of the BBC’s most prestigious programmes today (Friday 24th May). 

Director Richard Murrell has more than thirty years of experience in broadcasting, including directing programmes such as BBC World News, the Sunday Politics Programme and Breakfast with Frost. He has also been a member of Bafta for more than 10 years. 

He visited the school as part of the Speakers for Schools programme which aims to close the opportunity gap and level the playing field for young people by providing fair access to fully-funded work experience and inspirational talks that will help them to reach their full career potential.  

He talked to students about his own career path and how things have changed over the years, as well as offered valuable insights about how they could get involved in broadcasting and consider a media career. 

Richard Murrell said: “Speakers for Schools tries to help students to imagine what their future might be. 

“The world of broadcasting is changing beyond recognition and this age group will be the future broadcasters that drive the material that people watch at home. Hopefully some of the students listening today will think this is something they might like to get involved with.”  

The visit was part of Northampton International Academy’s ongoing careers guidance programme, which includes careers assemblies, trips, visiting speakers and extracurricular activities, and which recently achieved all eight of the Gatsby Benchmarks for Good Career Guidance. 

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